celebrating jeffrey pfeffer

Art Direction - Poster Design - Illustration

When Stanford, the STANFORD reaches out, all you need to say is yes. So, I said yes.
No, this wasn't an acceptance letter to a second degree at Stanford University. No, this was something better. 
Stanford University wanted to celebrate a once-in-a-century scholar, Jeff Pfeffer, and his tremendous career by putting on a once-in-a-lifetime festival they creatively called Pfestival - Pf for Pfeffer of course. A Pfestival to honour Jeffery Pfeffer has been months in the planning but something was missing - a very special gift for Jeff. What should this gift be? Well, that's what I had the great pleasure to help Stanford figure out, and thankfully, we figured it out. We will do a super chic poster summarizing his latest book - The Seven Rules of Power. Now that – is a powerful gift.
Life works out for me sometimes, and here it did. Seven Rules of Power = Seven Powerful Illustrations, Perfect.
I also tend to make things seem simpler than they really are, but that's the thrill of my job - to make "less is more" a fact.
For each rule of power, I ideated an illustration that aimed to capture the essence of that power so even if you didn't read the rule description below, you'd still have an idea of what the rule is. How great is that? For a generation that doesn't seem to like to read anything (haha, guilty as charged!) - we now have self-explanatory illustrations! 
A really chic poster for a very powerful book by a very respected professor and....60 copies of the poster in a revised postcard format for the attendees at the Pfestival.
Printed and framed to be presented to Professor Pfeffer as a gift at the Pfestival.
Printed and presented with copies of the book at the Pfestival.