Embrace Change

Art Direction - Illustration - Copywriting

When the pandemic hit, our workplace norms were challenged in many ways. Deloitte Greenhouse took on this challenge to research an exciting and unprecedented topic and disseminate these insights in the most creative way possible. To this I said: Challenge accepted! (with the best Barney Stinson impersonation I could do)
What followed was a series of custom-made illustrations distilling the insights of human behaviour midst-pandemic at workplace situations. What could be expected is lots of light-hearted humour, fun observations and useful advice on navigating the uncertain waters of a post-pandemic future in the workplace. Nothing can be more exciting than this, right?
It is a continual pleasure to collaborate with Deloitte and be part of this leading wave in understanding how we can embrace change and welcoming all that comes with it.
Ready? Here we go!
Telling human stories means putting the humans front and center and highlighting the diversity of each character in each illustrated situation. Simple line illustrations were used to create the characters - simple yet tricky - how does one tell a lot with so little? - it was important to make every line stroke count! 
When working with an established brand, one like Deloitte's, it is critical to protect and celebrate the existing brand equity and style while still giving myself enough creative freedom to explore and put in my own illustrative flavours. Working with the Deloitte team was amazing because I felt my creativity was challenged in a different way that offered me new perspectives on working with existing brands, and I was supported throughout the decision-making process. 
In the end, the direction to have a circular crop for the illustrations, infuse Deloitte colour palettes and add sprinkles of Deloitte's shape patterns was the best way forward! I didn't know there were THAT many shades of green and now I have a newfound appreciation for the hex code: #86BC25. 
A fun collection of illustrated comics that might inspire you to try new things in your post-pandemic work life! 
Without further ado, let the inspiration begin...

Lost In Translation

Getting To Know You

Make A Date

The New Commute

Let's Get Physical

Sticky Notes