BS, You're Weird.
The "WEIRD" issue with behavioural science.  
WEIRD, is an acronym for "Western, educated, industrialized, rich and democratic", which is a cultural identifier for test subjects typically in psychological studies. The weird issue is real and until we expand our subject pool and inject a whole bunch of diversity, our findings will be greatly limited to a WEIRD population and unable to make universal conclusions on human nature. 
It's a problem, and APA talks about it formally:
 THE inspiration
Highlighting the need for a serious conversation in the format of a casual chat box. 
It's true, behavioural science is WEIRD, but hey, we openly admit it and we're working on it. 
One point for self-awareness am I right?
p.s. Who knew being weird isn't always a likable thing....say wha???????
Now let's have more conversations like these! It gets weirder before it gets better:)