The intention-action gap, aka the intention-behaviour gap. It's about the large abyss between the very good intentions we set out to do and the lack of action in doing them.
For a more formal and detailed explanation of this concept, there's a research paper that tells you just that and more, check it:
Sniehotta, F. F., Scholz, U., & Schwarzer, R. (2005). Bridging the intention–behaviour gap: Planning, self-efficacy, and action control in the adoption and maintenance of physical exercise. Psychology & health, 20(2), 143-160.
We always have the best intentions, but action on the other hand, well...that's why we often say it's easier said than done! The distance between a good intention and the actual action taken literally feels like the longest line in the world sometimes, don't it?
At times, closing this gap can save lives and not just your to-do-list: 
Biran, A., Schmidt, W. P., Varadharajan, K. S., Rajaraman, D., Kumar, R., Greenland, K., ... & Curtis, V. (2014). Effect of a behaviour-change intervention on handwashing with soap in India (SuperAmma): a cluster-randomised trial. The Lancet Global Health, 2(3), e145-e154